54 Reviews, Averaging 4.98 Stars!

A local customer in the Staten Island area had us come out to see if we could fix their wall oven.
Once we came out to their location, we were quite surprised to see what specific brand their wall oven actually was.
This customer's oven turned out to be a Caloric oven.
More to the point, this specific Caloric wall oven unit was more than 40-Years-Old!
The Caloric kitchen appliance brand stretches as far back as 1903.
By far the most popular appliance and product which they sold were their built-in style wall ovens, such as the one which we repaired for this customer.
At one point the Caloric brand came up with and produced what came to be known as the Caloric Cooker.
This, at the time revolutionary, fireless cooker became one of the main precursors to modern-day slow cookers such as the now world renown Crock Pot among other units.
In the '60s, the Caloric Company brand were the ones that came up with the now iconic ad slogan for household meal making, "Now you're cooking with gas."
The problem with this 4 Decade old Caloric wall oven was that it had a bad pilot light thermostat which was causing the heat temperatures to go all over the place.
Back in the day, these specific types of thermostats were made up of expandable metals, mainly brass.
As these metals expand, a valve within the system moves along with the metal to ensure that the temperature doesn't get too hot or too low while cooking a meal.
This process allowed for equivalent heating and cooking to be done without having the constant check to make sure that the temperature was within the ideal range.
If an oven's thermostat is defective, then the oven is not able to properly read and regulate the internal temperature at which it's running.
Thus, this can lead to extreme overcooking and/or extreme undercooking of meals, dishes, and so forth.
These specific type of thermostats aren't nearly as common as they used to be, but they're still made to some extent for elderly oven models such as the one which this customer had.
Needless to say, it's impressive how this oven has still been running strong for the past several decades, and may likely continue to run longer thanks to our repairs which were conducted on it.
In several ways, yes. A defective oven can potentially be hazardous if overlooked time and time again.
Erratic oven cooking temperatures can be a very concerning issue for any kitchen space, especially if you're experiencing heat levels beyond your scope of reasonable control.
Add into the mix the possibility of a gas range having a leak and you can really have a unit that's just an accident waiting to happen.
And who could overlook the potential of having excessively charred food that can come about as a result at times.
Such a type of sustenance is not only unappetizing but has even been linked to being Carcinogenic (cancer causing) as well!
Once you give us a call, we'll add you to our schedule and likely be able to repair your dishwasher The Very Same Day You Call.
We believe that substantial repairs matter, but we also believe that you should.
Additionally, we're also about to price match our competitors as well.
So long as the other competing repair company's quote is in writing and is for the same type of repair/part, we're able to match their price for you.
We've been repairing oven for over 15+ Years now.
In fact, more than 1,000's of units have been repaired by our very own hands.
We're amazing at what we do, and we believe that You'll Be Amazed too!
As soon as you give us a phone call, we'll be able to add you to our schedule and more likely than not be able to repair your oven on The Same Day You Call Us.
We believe reliable repairs matter, and that they shouldn't take forever and a day to schedule and complete.